Life in Color

Life in Color - #5 - Easter Swagger

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So much about our lives is frustrating and discouraging.  We sweat pulling weeds and labor against thorn and thistle.  Much of our existence is a spitting into the wind.  That’s the curse of sin.  We even feel it in our own bodies.  But God has a promise for us that who we are now is not what we’re going to be like in all eternity. We are not who we’re gonna be.   Listen in as Pastor Bourman takes to the end of 1 Corinthians 15. 

Life in Color - #4 - The Resurrection Gets you Ready

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The resurrection changes everything about the way that we live our lives.  It changes the way that we get ready to die.  Because of Jesus resurrection we get to live completely ready to die, to meet our Lord, and to live with him forever.  It also changes the way we live until we die.  We live with purpose and victory and hope.  We live not for ourselves, but for him who lived and died and rose again.  The resurrection changes the way that we live our lives.  Listen in as Pastor Bublitz takes us further into 1 Corinthians 15. The Spirit will raise you up in your spirit.

Life in Color - #3 - Signed, Sealed and Delivered

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The resurrection of Jesus is everything.  It is that on which we stake our hopes.  It is that which gives our lives meaning.  It is that which assures us that our guilt is gone and our sin is forgiven.  And the list goes on.  The resurrection of Jesus removes the if from our lives so that we can live with resurrection courage and confidence.  Listen in as Pastor Bourman takes us into 1 Corinthians 15:12-28.  The Spirit will raise you up in your spirit. 

Life in Color - #2 - First Things First

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We all want our lives to mean something.  We want to have purpose for our lives, hope for each day, and joy as we live our lives in this world.  We all want life in color.  We’re starting a new series called: Life in Color.  In this series we’re going to stare into the tomb of Jesus and find that it’s empty.  He’s not there! He is risen, just as he said.  But that doesn’t mean the resurrection.  The resurrection is full of countless blessings.  Listen in as we dig into 1 Corinthians 15.