The Songs We Sing

The Songs We Sing - #2 - Holy, Holy, Holy


God’s people have always been singers.  They always opened their mouths to lament, to plead, to praise, to thank.  It was natural for them to open their mouths to sing.  The notes may not have always been pitch perfect, but the hearts sang a song to the Lord their God.  We are inheritors of the songs of God’s people.  In this series we want to take a look at some of those ancient songs and join our hearts and voices with theirs.

Today, we look at one of the songs that we sing with the angels and all the hosts of heaven, “holy, holy, holy.”

The Songs We Sing - #1 - Create in Me

God’s people have always been singers.  They always opened their mouths to lament, to plead, to praise, to thank.  It was natural for them to open their mouths to sing.  The notes may not have always been pitch perfect, but the hearts sang a song to the Lord their God.  We are inheritors of the songs of God’s people.  In this series we want to take a look at some of those ancient songs and join our hearts and voices with theirs.

Today, we look at one of the songs David wrote: “Create in me a new heart, O God” from Psalm 51:10-12.