Rally the Family #3 - Selfless Generosity

The Israelites had sinned. Some were taking advantage of each other. Nehemiah called them to live in the fear of the Lord. He also set the example of selfless generosity. As we live in the “fear of the Lord,” we will seek to do what pleases him, even live selflessly with one another and for him. This includes a life of generous offerings to the Lord. We’ll be looking at Nehemiah 5.

Rally the Family #2 - The Report

Nehemiah asked for a report, but then he went to see for himself what was going on and how things were going. He did it when no one else was looking or watching. He investigated, and then he gave his report to the people of Israel, to those who had returned from exile. We have a report to make to you about the life and health of Mount Lebanon. There is a report to be given to you about the life you get to live for God. There is a report to be given and a report to be heard. Then, after we’ve heard the report – what are we going to do about it? What will you do about it in your life of following Jesus? What will we do as we pursue a mission with him? We’ll be looking at Nehemiah 2.

Rally the Family #1 - The Assessment

Before we tackle anything, we have to know where we are and what is going on. Nehemiah first had to learn what was going on. He had to listen and ask questions. Then, before he could even attend to any work or plan, he begged God to attend to him. “Let your ears be attentive,” he prayed. This is true both in our daily lives and in our corporate lives. What is our baseline? Where is our base camp? This is the beginning of rallying the family. Nehemiah 1.

The Emotions of Christmas #3 - Patience and Perseverance

Patience. It is the endurance and perseverance that God develops in us so that we do something for a long time. We hope, waiting for what God has promised, patiently. We live enduring hardships as discipline; we live patiently. James calls us, yes, exhorts us to live patiently like farmers. To be patient like the prophets and like Job, trusting in the mercy, kindness, and overwhelming generosity of our King. We’ll look at James 5:7-11.

The Emotions of Christmas #1 - Joy in Closeness

There are a lot of emotions that come along around this time of year. Grief. Sadness. Loneliness. Anxiety. Fear. Joy. Hope. Excitement. Anticipation. Lots of emotions surface in preparation for Christmas. It has always been like that. As God’s people waited for the coming of Christ, for the coming of that first Christmas, they were filled with many emotions. This Advent, we will walk with God’s people we will see how they waited and wait with them in joy, hope, patience, and confidence. Philippians 4:4-7.

Long Live the King #3 - This Time Tomorrow

We’re in the last part of the last chapter of the gospel of Mark. It’s been quite a journey from “in the beginning” of Mark 1 to this ending. What we want to think about on Sunday is what the next chapter might look like. We have some sense of what the next chapter looked like for the disciples from the book of Acts.

We have some sense of what the next chapter looked like for Jesus as he ascended into heaven and took his seat at God’s right hand, far above all power and authority, King of kings and Lord of lords. We even have some sense of what our next chapter looks like. At least, we have a vision for it. That’s our simple goal on Sunday. I really hope to give you a vision for your tomorrow and what it can look like, even if we don’t know what the particulars of tomorrow will be. We’re considering Mark 16:9-20.

Life in Babylon #9 - The Odds for Exiles

When you’re living in exile, when your kings are getting hauled off to exile and executed before your eyes, when your city is destroyed and you are forcibly relocated, it’s hard to imagine a hopeful future. What are the odds that things will turn out well? God wants his people to have hope and a future, a certain expectation. The future belongs to the exiles. Jeremiah 52:31-34.

Life in Babylon #8 - Songs of Deliverance

Today we celebrate the Festival of Reformation. And it will be more than a celebration. It will be a call to war, a call to sing, a call to celebrate even before the final victory. Yes, it’s true. We’re in the middle, between the not yet and the already of our salvation. Yet, we sing as those who are confident of the victory. God taught his people to sing and even gave them songs to sing even before they came home from exile. Jeremiah 51:54-64.