Rise up and build!

Nehemiah wasn’t going to sit still. He listened to the report about what was going on back in Jerusalem and had to find out what was going on. So, he went to the king and asked for help to address the problems he had heard about. The king granted it, and so Nehemiah was on his way. He was on his way to learn more about what Jerusalem was up against. He was on his way to rally the family of believers in Jerusalem to rebuild and restore. He was on his way.

So are we. We have a report to make to you about the life and health of Mount Lebanon. We have a report to make to you about what is going on here. There is a report to consider for yourself, for the life that you get to live for God. There is a report to be given and a report to be heard. We’re on our way to climb up, to rally the family around the mission of God here among us and through us.

What are we going to do about it? What will you do about it in your life of following Jesus? What will we do as we pursue a mission with him? We’ll be looking at Nehemiah 2:11-18. There is a report to be given. What will your response be?

We’ll see you Sunday! Pastor Nate