Tomorrowland #3: The Coming Groom


It reads like a horror story. It really does. Hands are banging on the door, and no one opens. Voices cry out for someone to open and someone to answer, but no one does. On the inside, there is dancing and singing and eating and drinking and laughter and joy. Outside there is terror and fear and separation and sadness. Through the wooden door, the virgins hear a muffled voice, “I don’t know you.” And they slink away into the darkness. It reads like a horror story. 

This is one of the parables that Jesus tells.  He tells us a parable about ten virgins. Five who were wise and five who were foolish. See, heaven is a party, an eternal party. And Jesus doesn’t want us to miss out. He has prepared this party for us to enjoy with him and with all God’s people forever. He wants us to be ready when he comes so that we will go with him into the wedding banquet. He tells us the parable of the ten virgins so that we will be ready when he comes. This Sunday, we learn from Jesus how to be wise as we wait for the Groom. We will be looking at Matthew 25:1-13.