Up from the Ashes #3: Of Dogs, Sheep and Lions.


What sort of story do you tell yourself or to other people about your life? What is the narrative that you write to describe how things have gone or happened during your years on this earth? Chances are things have happened in your life that were not always pleasant and might even be considered traumatic. Chances are painful moments and even seasons have come and passed which have left a lasting scar on your heart and maybe on your face (or some other part of your body).

But back to the question: What sort of story do you tell yourself or to other people about your life? Do you tell the story of one who has been a victim of circumstance? A victim or trauma? A victim of tragedy? Do you tell the story of a victim? Or do you tell a different story, the story of one who is victorious in Christ? Of One who is more than a conqueror?

This weekend in worship we’re walking into the gospel, into the promise from our God that we are not victims, not sheep marked for the slaughter, but instead we are __________________. Look it up and read ahead through Romans 8:31-39. You won’t be disappointed. I can’t wait to dig into with you.